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Aer Lingus pilots in IALPA back Labour...

IALPA, the professional body for Irish airline pilots, and

aer lingus pilots, members of IALPA, on strike in dublin
Health Division

New HSE recruitment policy means 2023 vacancies...

The ICTU group of healthcare unions representing staff in

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IALPA recommends acceptance of Labour...

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IALPA recommends acceptance of Labour Court recommendation

IALPA, the professional body for Irish airline pilots, and

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IALPA executive to consider Labour...

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IALPA executive to consider Labour Court recommendation...

IALPA, the professional body for Irish airline pilots, and

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Aer Lingus pilots to begin industrial action...

The Irish Airline Pilots’ Association (IALPA) has issued seven

mark tighe of IALPA, a Fórsa branch for pilots. To represent strike notice by aer lingus pilots.
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Aer Lingus pilots vote again...

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Aer Lingus pilots vote again for strike...

Pilots in Aer Lingus have once again voted overwhelmingly


Local Elections: Trade Union coalition...

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Local Elections: Trade Union coalition calls for...

More Power to You Manifesto launched in advance of

Trade unions outside the Dáil launching the manifesto for local elections

New officer team elected

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New officer team elected

Fórsa has a new team of officers, who were elected