Wicklow Local Authority

Get Involved

New members for the committee are most welcome. Our AGM is usually held in February (insert details if fixed) and all members are invited to attend and participate in shaping the branch and larger union. Workplace issues and queries can be brought to any of the committee members.

We have hosted interview training for our members and this was considered very useful by participants. Fórsa branded travel mugs were issued to members. Charity donations are made annually to local organisations of the members’ suggestion.

 A member says…

“The branch was very helpful when I had an issue with conditions of a contract. They gave me clear advice about what to do myself first to get the ball rolling and were involved unobtrusively from my first contact with management.  Things were resolved quickly in the manner I hoped for and it was a weight off my mind. I wouldn’t have been sure what to do without their support”

Wicklow Local Authority 2023/24 Committee

Sinead Sweeney ssweeney@wicklowcoco.ie  Branch Chairperson

Fiona Scannell fscannel@wicklowcoco.ie   Branch Secretary

Billy Roberts forsatreasurerww@gmail.com   Branch Treasurer

Gerry Galligan gergalli@gmail.com Ordinary Member