Galway Health and Local Government branch

Branch officers for Galway Health and Local Government branch:

Chair: Corinne Phelan, Brothers of Charity Galway

Vice-Chair: Evan Stapleton, HSE, Galway University Hospital

Secretary: Rob Partridge, Brothers of Charity Ireland 

Treasurer: Elizabeth Whelan, HSE, Galway University Hospital

Vice-Treasurer: Noritte Gallagher, Community Healthcare West

Equality Officer: Lorraine Morrin, HSE, Community Healthcare West

Membership Officer: Rob Partridge, Brothers of Charity Ireland 

Data Protection Officer: Brídín Feeney, Galway County Council

Campaigns Officer/  PRO 1: Aine O’Malley, HSE, Community Healthcare West

Campaigns Officer/ PRO 2: Gordon Burke, Galway Simon Community

Diversity Officer: Lorraine Morrin, HSE, Community Healthcare West

Committee Member: Noritte Gallagher, Community Healthcare West

Committee Member: Neil Murphy, HSE CHW2

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