Dublin Hospitals
Fórsa’s Dublin Hospitals’ branch represents members from a wide range of employments across the health sector. Grades represented include all clerical, administrative & managerial grades, catering officers & managers, audiologists, biochemists, cardiac catheterisation technicians, care assistants, chiropodists, clinical engineering technicians, dieticians, dosimetrists, ECG technicians, neuropsychologists, occupational therapists, orthoptists, pharmacists & pharmacy technicians, phlebotomists (with other unions), clinical photographers, physiological measurement technicians, physiotherapists, physicists, play therapists & play specialists, psychologists, respiratory technicians, social workers, social care workers, speech & language therapists, supplies officers, technical services officers etc.
Volunteers from the membership of these employments come together to form the branch executive committee and, on a monthly basis, manage the affairs of the branch and represent your interests. The branch executive committee meets monthly to manage the affairs of members across the sector.
The following are contacts for the Dublin Hospitals’ branch:
Chairperson: Stephen Broderick – stephen.broderick@slh.ie
Vice chairperson: Jacqui Purcell – jacqui.purcell@slh.ie
Secretary: Michelle Kenny – michelle.kenny@slh.ie
Treasurer: Gillian Cawley – gillian.cawley@cuh.ie
Health & safety officer: Paul Delaney – pauldelany@beaumont.ie
Training officer: Joanna Clarke – joanna.clarke@cuh.ie
Retired rep: Paddy Brock – pambrock@eircom.net
Branch member: Jacki Brown – jackieb65@hotmail.co.uk
Branch member: Ann Duggan – aduggan@nmh.ie
Branch member: Margaret Forbes – margaret.forbes@dental.tcd.ie
Branch member: Susan Hogan – susanehogan@gmail.com
Branch member: Mary Kelly – marykelly2@beaumont.ie
Branch member: Stuart O’Connor – stuart.oconnor@tuh.ie
Branch member: Mandy O’Neill – mandy.oneill@svuh.ie
Strategic organising
We aim to have at least one point of contact/representative in every hospital or a group of local reps coming together to form a local committee. If you do not have a workplace representative or point of contact then please discuss with colleagues and nominate someone. Training is available to support you. If you or your colleagues would like support in organising the union in your workplace (joining, rep training, etc.), then contact your organiser for information or to arrange a visit.
Vocational groups meet regularly to discuss and decide the important national issues facing particular grades and how the union should best tackle them.
Workplace issues
If you have a query that relates to an issue in your workplace (or the broader sector that you work in) you should firstly inform your local workplace representative. Your workplace reps can then contact the industrial official if they are unable to resolve it themselves.
Get involved
If you would like to get involved with your branch executive committee please contact the branch secretary.
Ideas for campaigns and Fórsa policy changes can be put forward at the branch AGM each year. These can go on to inform the policy of the broader union. Motions are requested in advance and you are invited to come along and attend on the evening.